Hey /r/Economics, what economics blogs and websites do you trust?
Hey /r/Economics, what economics blogs and websites do you trust?
Recently (2025), I've developed a strong craving for any and all information about the US economy and economics in general that I can find. I'm sure it's no doubt due to the fact that I'm a recent college grad with a good GPA and unable to land a decent job anywhere. That, along with the facts that, though hirings are down, Q2 profits were up, and yet many predict a second crash of Western economies in the coming months, and economics suddenly has become a fascinating subject to me.
But I'm also aware that a lot of people claim to be experts who are often wrong about their predictions, or spreading false information to bolster their point.
So, TL;DR: where do you typically go on the Internet outside of reddit for news or interesting opinions about the state of global economies?
Thanks in advance.